Friday 22 April 2016

Josh Faux - Behance

I found these pieces of work eye catching due to the severe distortion of the human form. They are collages formed from portraits. I like the idea of creating a completely new perspective/narrative of something and in this case they have created unusual, almost supernatural looking collages of a face using what I would imagine were stereotypically straight forward portrait shots before-hand. This has inspired me to want to create something. I would like to manipulate a portrait using Photoshop to create a new meaning to my original image. I would perhaps clone some facial features and move them around to create a new person almost. Something to trigger a reaction by making it look creepy or out of the ordinary.

These are the images I was inspired by:

As my Photoshop skills are not very advanced I wouldn't be able to do a lot of manipulation but I could probably create something quite similar to the collage where there are multiple eyes around the face by taking my own portrait and cloning the area of the eye and then using simple tools to make it look as realistic as possible.

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