Tuesday 7 June 2016

Ideas and finished last 5 Final images

I wanted to create multiple exposures that look bluured without losing focus of the subject giving them a slightly absract look compared to an average photohraph.
I experimented with using 2 different images but it didnt give the ffect I needed so I used 2 of the same image.

I loved the effect that I got when I used to of the same image to create a multiple exposure, I have never tried this before but I will definitely be using the process in the future.

I had 2 layers with the image on each one, I made the first layer slightly larger so that it was out of the framed area on photoshop and I made the second layer with the second copy of the image on to 50% opacity or slightly higher.

This made a really nice blur effect that looked as though your vision was distorted whilst viewing the image which I thought was visually enjoyable as you try and figure out what is happing in the image to make it look that way:

Monday 6 June 2016

The importance of an online portfolio

It is very important that you have portfolios online. This is where you will probably get the widest audience range possible and it is a lot easier and quicker than creating physical portfolios and taking them around with you. Being online means that people around the world can see your work if you have an online portfolio like your own website or something like a Behance account. Being online means your audience possibilities are a lot larger and you can share your work on different social media sites to friends, family and followers who can also share your work to other people who can then share your work again, the share count is so much larger than word of mouth and physical broadcasting at events or what not.

I have a Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram along with a Behance account, my own website and a Blog. All in which I use to showcase my work. Having these social media accounts means I can follow people of interest, people who are interested in my work can follow me and we can share each others work to our network of friends and followers who look at our accounts which means a wider network of people get to see our work. This is very important as this way, more people see your work so you will get more noticed meaning more potential customers resulting in an incline in your business which will mean you will earn more money. It is very important to get yourself out there!!

I also share work on personal social media accounts so that friends, family and friends of friends can see my work and are more likely to get in touch to use my services as they know me or know of me so they are more likely to be confident to ask about my services. This will be a huge help in the future to build my portfolio and to develop my business.

Imagery Information

Stock imagery- "Stock photography is the supply of photographs, which are often licensed for specific uses. It is used to fulfill the needs of creative assignments instead of hiring a photographer, often for a lower cost. Today, stock images can be presented in searchable online databases. They can be purchased and delivered online." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_photography

I found a few popular sites where you can sell and purchase stock imagery:


You type in a key work and you will see images relating to your key word that you can use/purchase or you can create an account to put your own imagery on there.

Copyright- To have the rights to own an image for the purpose of using or selling the image you have to own the copyright buy paying to have the cipyright transferred to you for an image or copyrighting your own image. This means if someone else uses your image without your permission you can put in a claim against them or you have sell the copyright to another person or business. This is really helpful if you are trying to earn money in the photography business.

Exclusive/Non Exclusive- "A Non-Exclusive Licence grants to the licensee the right to use the intellectual property, but means that the licensor remains free to exploit the same intellectual property and to allow any number of other licensees to also exploit the same intellectual property." - http://united-kingdom.taylorwessing.com/synapse/commerical_exclusive_nonexclusive.html

People I follow

 I follow Nasos Karabelas because I love the abstract portraits that he creates and by following him I get to see updates of these series of work which I will be interested to look through as he uses a similar style in each series. These are a few from his series:

 I love the blur and motion as they create an emotional narrative and make you think about the feelings the photographer is trying to display.

I will continue to follow this work as it inspires me and can help inspire me with future work.

He has 313 followers. This is because his work is different as he creates portraits in his own unique way by capturing motion and using blur to create emotional abstract pieces and people like to see work with an absract twist as they show more meaning and are visually enjoyable.


I follow Vivianna as her dreamlike work inspired me tto create dreamlike images for a project. I really love the pastel colours and saturated filters she uses on her vivid images.
I will continue to follow her work as I am interested by her individual style that has inspired me in the past and may inspire me again.
Ths are some of her images:

Vivianna had 415 followers. I think this is because her work shows scenes that look like dreams due to the saturated colours and bright filters and then you see the reality underneath as they are mutiple exposures and you can see the land/see. This makes you think about dreams and reality together as one so she creates a narrative that makes you think. This makes it more than visually interesting and a lot of her work is like this so it is nteresting to see this style over and over.


 Raphael Vicenzi creates beautiful collages with portraits and other materials. He has over 71,000 followeres. I think this is because his work has no straight forward narrative, you kind of have to use your imagination to relate the materials to the portraits and think about things like 'why is her face covered by the material?', 'is she shy? Does she lack self confidence?'. There are many narratives and with your imagination you can create you own. This makes them challenge your thoughts. They also are quite messy so you look around the image rather than having an exact focus point to look at:


Alexei Sovertkov creates portraiture with out of the ordinary proportions and icludes animal in his work. He makes the facial and body proportions in the images so that they are to an unrealistic scale but still look human so it creates humour and they stand out among other portraits as they are eye catching due to the out of proportion features included which are of onterest and make your eyes wander around the images. He has over 11,000 followers and I think this is because his work is so eye catching. I follow his work as I am humoured by the images he creates so I am entertained by them and would like to see future work.

Cubism - Inspiration for first 5 final images

Cubism was the earliest form of the geometric shapes to create art that I found. Cubism was one of the influential art styles during the early 20th century, created by Pablo Picasso.

This is some of his cubism art:

I love the use of lines and shapes in art and photography as it leads you around the image making it more enjoyable and grabs your attention for longer rather than having just one focus point.


Amina Khan Photography - http://cubmagazine.co.uk/2014/09/in-praise-of-disposable-cameras/

This photo was taken using a disposable camera but it kind of looks slightly like a multiple exposure due to the dodgy lighting/out of focus effect that you get when you use a disposable camera. I love this effect as it is very nostalgic and reminds me of looking through family albums of old pictures.

I love the slight blur disposable cameras give and I will incorporate this with my next 5 final images


I found this image on Pinterest.com but I could not find the details of the Photographer/artist. I really love how they made a multiple exposure using the same image. I think it looks really good because it has changed a portrait in to a dream like scene. I would really like to try something like this