Monday 6 June 2016

The importance of an online portfolio

It is very important that you have portfolios online. This is where you will probably get the widest audience range possible and it is a lot easier and quicker than creating physical portfolios and taking them around with you. Being online means that people around the world can see your work if you have an online portfolio like your own website or something like a Behance account. Being online means your audience possibilities are a lot larger and you can share your work on different social media sites to friends, family and followers who can also share your work to other people who can then share your work again, the share count is so much larger than word of mouth and physical broadcasting at events or what not.

I have a Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram along with a Behance account, my own website and a Blog. All in which I use to showcase my work. Having these social media accounts means I can follow people of interest, people who are interested in my work can follow me and we can share each others work to our network of friends and followers who look at our accounts which means a wider network of people get to see our work. This is very important as this way, more people see your work so you will get more noticed meaning more potential customers resulting in an incline in your business which will mean you will earn more money. It is very important to get yourself out there!!

I also share work on personal social media accounts so that friends, family and friends of friends can see my work and are more likely to get in touch to use my services as they know me or know of me so they are more likely to be confident to ask about my services. This will be a huge help in the future to build my portfolio and to develop my business.

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